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附CD-ROM/1片+Script without Answer Key
Now in a new edition, the three-level Longman Preparation Series for the TOEIC? Test gives students the skills and strategies they need to increase their scores on the Listening and Reading sections of the TOEIC? test.
Designed and paced to reflect the look and feel of the TOEIC? test, this series maximizes learners' familiarity and comfort with the exam.
Complete Digital Support
?CD-ROM containing complete audio MP3 files and audio script to help students practice Listening Comprehension exercises and Listening Practice Test questions on their own.
?Online TOEIC practice at -look inside the front cover to log on to your TOEIC test. Features of the New Edition
Features of the New Edition
?Three complete Practice Tests include TOEIC test-style answer sheets for diagnosis and assessment.
?1000+ practice items reflect the format and content for the TOEIC test.
?Highlighted Test Taking Tips provide grammatical explanations plus links to specific exercises for immediate help and reinforcement.
?New Grammar Tips and Vocabulary Tips
?Expanded and more varied exercises provide realistic test practice.
?Complete listening CD-ROM with every book.
Language Strategies and Test Strategies in each section help learners to focus on skills and set goals.
作者: Lin Lougheed
新功能介紹- 出版社:東華
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2012/07/09
- 語言:英文
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柯文哲參訪規模宏偉的舊金山跨灣轉運中心(Transbay Service Center)。簡報快結束時,突然警鈴大作,屋頂的警報器也發出閃光,擴音器傳來清晰的警告,要求全體疏散,而且「走樓梯,不可搭電梯」。簡報地點位在 21樓,柯文哲全團及接待人員步行逐級下樓。還好走到17樓,接待人員引導至另一套電梯系統,全體搭電梯下樓。柯文哲等人於是前往工地現場。負責解說的建築經理亞當斯(Jack Adams)告訴旺旺中時,轉運中心開工4年半來,平均每星期都有1個團體參訪,「我們接待了幾百個團體,這是第一次在參訪時出現警報」。參訪結束時,亞當斯還不確定到底是什麼引發警鈴,不過初步了解,沒有什麼嚴重問題。(中時即時)
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